Sunday, December 9, 2007

November's Grandma Bonus Video

Concentration Danielson

I found my voice!

November Fame

Football and that what November is always like? If so I'm ready to do another one only Michigan better win this time.

I kicked the month off with a visit from Grandma Crabtree who came with her sister Claud and my great grandparents. We did a lot of hanging out and I can't wait to see them in a few weeks at Christmas. Sassiness runs 4 generations deep with these family females!

Although it was a great month, it was also the first time I had my heartbroken. Michigan got schooled by Ohio state. At the bar I drowned my sorrows in 8oz of domestic...formula. Dad is still drinking from that game. On my car seat I sported some trash talk which you can see here.

I went up to good old New England for Thanksgiving. The last time I was in Connecticut was for Mom's baby shower...looks a lot different than mom's uterus. Here is my Uncle Rich, Uncle John, my dad, and of course me...aka 3 men and a baby!

While in Connecticut I made my debut on the local news. You can see it here by selecting the story about the lights in Hubbard Park. Even though there was a light the size of the sun on the camera, I was able to keep sleeping.

Finally, I just wanted to brag a bit. I can hold my

head up like no body's business as you can see from this picture below. I'm trying to reach for things too, but figuring out how a hand works takes some getting used to. Feel free to email me with any tips, but no one seems to remember how they figured this part out.

That's it for now. Can't wait to see what the big deal is with the fat guy in the red and white outfit.