Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Season

So far this year, I've already been to 2 pumpkin patches and I've heard talk of going to 2 more. Now this is fine and dandy with me, just as long as those pumpkin patches have apples. I have discovered that there is nothing I love more than to crunch on a good, juicy, messy apple. It feels so good on my teeth (which, by the way, I now have 8 with 2 more on their way) and the juice is unlike anything I've ever tasted! Ok, enough on apples... On to the pumpkin patches. Lucy and I hit up the Harvest Fest down at the Inner Harbor this past weekend. Good times. We ate a few peas, made our way through the hay maze, and listened to a crazy old guy play a guitar (and I of course was dancing even though it wasn't my preferred rap music).
I also had my first carousel ride with Daddy. Wow!! I didn't want that horse to stop...I kept bouncing and kicking the horse hoping he would keep going, but I guess he was too pooped after all that running with both Daddy and I on his back.
Here I am at the second pumpkin patch. And here I am pushing the wagon instead of riding in the wagon...

This exact picture was also taken a year, what a difference one year makes! I couldn't even keep my eyes open last year!
All those flowers looked so tasty! I couldn't resist tasting one or two of them before Mommy and Daddy caught me with the petals in my mouth. I still prefer the apples though...
So the word on the street is that I'm going back to this pumpkin patch dressed in my Halloween Costume, which to my knowledge is still undecided at this point. Guess my mommy better get busy!

Action-Packed Trip to Michigan

I took another trip to the north to visit my family in Michigan, and man oh man, it was one entire week jam-packed with visiting family! We no sooner arrived in Grandma Dar's driveway than the Ice Cream Truck pulled up. I tell you--Grandma sure pulls out all the stops for me! So I kicked-off my visit in Michigan with an Ice Cream Sandwich and a mischief-free night full of fun with my Aunt Sandy while my parents, Grandma, and Uncle Elliot hit up Katie Jonker's wedding in Frankenmuth. (Apparently Aunt Sandy used to get into a lot of trouble while baby-sitting my mom--we're talking broken lamp shades, broken name it)

By the way-my parents decided to abandon me for most of the trip and left me with Grandma Dar. Let me just say that I am A-okay with this arrangement because Grandma Dar spoils the h-e-double hockey sticks out of me. In fact, we got so cozy together that somehow I was mistakenly calling her "Mama" by the time my mommy returned from her galvanting around the state of Michigan. During my time in Michigan, I was able to visit with my all Great Grandparents, Grandpa Crabtree, Uncle Elliot, and lots of mommy's friends. I spent the night with my Great Aunt Claudia, Uncle Don, and cousins Eric, Ben, and Alex.
Here I am with Aunt Claudia as the center of usual!

Me and Alivia. I had major "Big Girl" syndrome around her. She is so cool!

Also-as a bonus, we met up with the "Boys" for breakfast in Ann Arbor right before I hopped on the plane to come back home. The boys include Uncle Johnny, Uncle Richie, and "Uncle" Kevin. (note-Kevin is not really my uncle, but he sends me birthday in my book, he counts as an uncle!). I don't have any pictures from this event, but I sure did enjoy my French Toast and Uncle Richie's omelettes at the Big Boy!
Here are some pictures of Tricia's wedding. Wow--she sure was a beautiful bride! She looked like a princess in that dress. I wish I could have seen her!
Here is my mommy with Katie Jonker at her wedding in Frankenmuth. Another beautiful bride!
Oh-I guess my parents thought they needed a little R&R, so they drove up to northern Michigan where they stayed in a gorgeous hotel overlooking Lake Michigan, enjoyed nice dinners, and staked out their dream house. (Well, this would be mommy's dream house) When will I be included in these trips? I like wine tasting...

Trouble has Wheels

That's right, folks. Look out cuz here I come! No more crawling, scooting, or rolling...that stuff is for the birds. Perhaps my biggest piece of news is that I have now officially entered into the vertical world because I can stand, walk, and even run sometimes if I think someone is chasing me (or when I feel like really scaring my mommy and pretending to go in the street). I took my first steps a week before my birthday, but I really took off about a week after my birthday. Every day it seems that I get faster and faster and faster and faster (and faster...).

Now that I can walk, I enjoy pushing things to exemplify my strength. My buddy, Lucy, came over one night and I pushed her around in this car for almost a half an hour. She prefers to drive anyway. I also had to come to the rescue of my mom at Costco by helping her push the cart, which was stock full of stuff with no room for me. Together-we made it to the cash register safe and soundly. (I needed a little assistance in steering because I couldn't quite see over the cart) I also enjoy pushing my new Radio Flyer Wagon that Grammy and Grampa Rivera gave me for my birthday. I much prefer pushing over riding.
I have some videos of all this activity that I will post later this evening...

I Turned One!

Well, lets start with the oldest news first: I am officially one year old as of September 7, 2008. I don't like to brag, but I must admit that I have mastered quite a few survival skills during this first year here on earth. I am proficient in ripping apart almost anything given to me, I can climb on furniture and out of my crib if the need arises, and I can cut a rug like nobody's business....just to name a few. (For those of you who don't know what "cut a rug" means, it's code for dancing. I prefer rap music to really get my groove on)

My mom and dad threw a party to celebrate my first year, and all my Grandparents decided to show up for the event. It seemed like a lot of fuss and muss for a few hours, but at least I got to hang out with all my buddies at a bar and throw back a few (bottles of milk, that is). Yes, that is correct: my first birthday party was at a bar in downtown Baltimore. Apparently, Hurricane Hannah also decided to show up and celebrate my first birthday, so we couldn't have a back-yard BBQ. Guess I'm just a popular gal!

This is the cake that my mom and Lucy's mom, Kim, baked for me. My mom was very proud (and shocked) at how nicely this cake turned out. I won't spill the beans that Kim did most of the decorating...oops, did I just say that out loud?

Here is everyone singing Happy Birthday to me. I wasn't prepared for such a large amount of attention...but I think I can get used to it. I was not in the best of moods the day of my birthday. The hurricane really rained on my parade--pun intended. I was all set to enjoy a nice afternoon full of sunshine and popping balloons, and instead I got stuck in this 6' x 6' contraption that my parents thought was the greatest idea since sliced bread! Well, I didn't spend much time in that thing (as you can see I am not in this picture). I insisted on being held and was subsequently passed around from one Grandparent to the next...just the way I like it! After all, it was my party and I can cry if I want to!