Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Giddy Up!

Looks like someone got a rocking horse for Christmas!

Grandpa Rivera makes Maria laugh hysterically!!

If this doesn't put a smile on your face you can't be human...so says my Dad ever so modestly:-)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Jingle Bell Rocks!

They really know how to roll out the red carpet for babies in Michigan! Grandma greeted me with a huge sign on the garage....similar to what my mom's Grandfather did for her when she came to visit for the first time.

The trip started with what looked like the traveling circus. Mom and Dad lugged around a ton of my stuff and checked in a record five bags on the way there only to be broken by a new record of 7 bags on the way back. Dad was confused for a second and thought he was going on a honeymoon with Mom again (ask him to see the picture of a Mexican hauling bags stacked higher than his head).

I made sure Santa knew to count me in for the Holiday extravaganza by getting baptized a few days before Christmas. I certainly made out like a bandit in my first Christmas debut, especially with the PJs which my parents requested. They like to have extras since I often have what Mom and Dad call "blow outs" in them.....woops.