Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just Hangin Around...

In case you were wondering what a typical day in the life of Maria is like, here is a little snippet: I usually get up anywhere between 6:45 and 7:30 a.m. I throw back a bottle of milk before I do anything else and then I usually floss and brush my teeth for about 1/2 hour every morning. Most days I spend taking things out of drawers, trying on every pair of my mom's shoes, taking every book off the shelf and ripping out the pages, and trying very hard to get a cookie. Here are just a few pictures of me just "hanging around"...

Grandma Dar was here a couple weeks you can see from the smile on my face, I LOVE Grandma Dar!

A large part of my day also consists of chasing after Jacob. Is it just me, or does he look slightly annoyed here in this photo? I think he was exasperated with all the kisses I had just given him...

Did you say "Cookie?"

I am my father's daugher, there's no doubt about that...nope, none whatsoever. If it weren't obvious to you before with my big eyes and curly hair, then my newfound ability to exclaim my love for cookies has to prove it to you! I have discovered that if I actually say the word, "cookie," I am rewarded by, you guessed it, a cookie! I LOVE this game! Here I am with spaghetti all over my face practicing a few words.

Trick or Treat!

Halloween 2008 was a huge success in my book. Why you ask? Well, for starters I was allowed to skip my afternoon nap (which actually ended up being a problem later on that night). I was also allowed to stay up way later than my usual 7:00 bedtime, eat way more candy/sugar in one evening than I've consumed so far in my entire 14 month existence, and I got to hang out with Lucy the Piglet and Jacob the Dragon!! I kicked-off the night by strolling down to Fells Point to meet up with about 1000 other kids and their parents, all dressed up in their costumes. It didn't take me long to fall in the dirt, rip my tights, and figure out how to rip my bear hat off! Then we came back home, and I made the rounds of the neighborhood.

Here I am with JJ on his Grandma's lap. This was the only way Mommy and Josh could contain both of us long enough to get a picture.

I recently started passing out hugs and kisses, and Lucy is my favorite target! Lucy also likes to pass out hugs and kisses, so she doesn't mind! Here we are hugging in the park in our costumes, although a balloon got in the way right as the camera flashed, so the picture isn't perfect.

More Pumpkin Patches???

Well, my speculations that I was going to visit two more Pumpkin Patches proved to be dead on! I think it's safe to say that I am 'pumpkin-patched out!' Grammy and Grampa Rivera came down to visit me a few weeks back, and I took 'em to the Cadillac of Pumpkin Patches out in Westminster, MD. This joint had apple-picking, a petting zoo, live music (to which I enjoyed displaying my dance moves for a very large crowd), and of course TONS of pumpkins! There was one small hiccup though...there was a huge McCain-Palin sign at the front entrance. My daddy almost turned the car around when we saw that, but since we had driven an hour to get there, we decided to stay. As it turned out, their marketing efforts were fruitless anyway!

Here I am at Weber Farms again, but this time with my gal pals, Lily and Lucy. My mom and dad put me in this Bumble-bee get-up that was obviously way too small for me...hence the "hunched-over" look I am sporting in all of the pictures here. Thank goodness I'm still in diapers, otherwise that wedgie could've caused some serious damage!