Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's All About Me!

This winter has been pretty much been all about me. Me and the Canton Car Wash that is. In fact, my favorite song even starts out with "Me, me, me, me, me, me, me..." My favorite word at the moment also happens to be "mine." Furthermore, I've become very territorial over my mommy, my toys, sometimes my daddy, but especially my fruit snacks. I love to play the game where I pretend that I'm going to give Jacob a fruit snack, and I bring it over to him and put it near his mouth, then I pull it back right as he opens his mouth and say, "Mine!"

Well, lets see...what I have been up to over the last couple of months? All my grandparents came to visit me at least once since Christmas (Gigi several times), I have been attending a music class with my buddies on Friday mornings, I have learned close to 200 words (if you ask Mommy, 1000 if you ask Daddy. Although within the last week, I think the count has doubled), I made a trip up to Michigan to see the gang up there (and started a GI Virus pandemic), and I just got back tonight from a weekend in Connecticut with Papi and Grammy.

I had my 18 month check up this week. Here are the stats:
Height: inches, 97th percentile
Weight: 25 lbs, 10 oz, 70th percentile
Head: cm, 50th percentile
Dr. Goldstein said I was "perfect,"...his words, not mine. I don't like to brag.

My favorite words right now include no, poop, water, doggie (this has been a favorite since I was 10 months old), and mine. I tend to find ways to fit these five words into almost every course of conversation I have, be it with myself or with others. When I'm riding in the car with Mommy & Daddy, and we drive by Butts & Betty's, I say "home" to let them know we're almost there! I think they appreciate the heads up.

So, I happened to catch a glimpse of a little pink potty today next to the big toilet in our bathroom. I've heard a lot of chatter about how fun and cool it's supposed to be to go pee pee or poo poo on the potty. Seems like a lot of work if you ask me...the method I've got going on right now is working just fine. I do a poop in my huggies, and then I just let someone else wipe my butt and put a clean diaper on. However, if there are fruit snacks involved in the process, I may consider it. Stay tuned for my progress on that front!

Enjoy these adorable pictures of my most recent activity. Like I said,'s all about me!

Here I am with Papi & Grammy at the car wash. It looks as though they can't decide who should hold me for this picture. More than likely, they are both trying to.

Just a fun play date with Daddy in the Fells Point park.

You can see how long my hair has gotten (which Daddy calls my rat tail) in this picture. I'm well over due for my first hair cut actually. Mommy can't make up her mind as to whether she could cut it or let my curls become even more out of control.

Here I am snuggling up to Gigi.

I like to call this my reflective pose. More than likely I am contemplating who or what the next victim of my destruction will be. (destroying property, especially books, is still one of my favorite past times)Enjoying a compelling story about how the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round...

1 comment:

Kim said...

When Maria says "home" near Butts & Betty's maybe she is referring to the fact that Butts and Betty's feels like her home. You know you bring her there all the time :)